Epigenetic Nutrition

What do your genes say about your risk of serious health issues and what can you do about it?

.For many years, it was believed that we’re genetically predisposed to developing the same health conditions our parents did.

We believed it was about heredity.

The good news is that belief has now been proven wrong – in 95% of cases.

The Science of Epigenetics has proven that our future isn’t determined by the health of our parents.

Instead, it’s from the type of nutrition, thoughts, and environment that we were exposed to in prenatal and early post-natal life.

So – if we change our nutrition, thoughts and environment, we change our gene expression.

And when we change our gene expression we transform our health and eliminate (or at least significantly reduce) the risk factors.

Great news, right?


If your DNA is the architect of your home, epigenetics is the contractor who will construct your home, care for it, and keep it looking beautiful. And nutritional epigenetics are the building materials.

Epigenetic Nutrition looks at how the molecules in food react with the molecules that attach to your DNA and control the ways that your genes express themselves.

How We Can Help

Our Acoustic Restoration Therapy stimulates your energetic system to work with your own body’s consciousness to repair itself at a DNA level.

Epigenetic Nutrition provides your body with the precise type of nutrition to help your genes express themselves in a way that promotes homeostasis.

At Subtle Energy Solution we work with you in both areas.

What’s Next?

During our initial assessment we’ll take your medical history and perform inhouse testing to get a feel for your nutritional profile, stress levels and health status.

Based on the findings we’ll design a treatment plan. This might include Acoustic Restoration Therapy which uses a DNA signalling technique to stimulate your brain to tell your body to regenerate, and/or supplements from the world leaders in Epigenetic Nutrition.

Throughout your treatment, we’ll regularly retest you so we can see how you’re progressing and see evidence of how the treatment is working.

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